Dr.Kopr Kritayakirana

Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee

Age: 85
Date of Appointment: December 1999
Shareholding: 0.00 percent
Education: Ph.D. (Physics), Harvard University, U.S.A.
Training Courses by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD):
  • Board Forum 2019, by OIC.
  • Directors Certification Program (DCP)/2001
  • Excellent Board Decision/2004
  • Audit Committee Program (ACP)/2005
  • DCP Refresher Course (RE DCP)/2005
Others Training Courses:
  • IT Governance" by OIC /2015
Experience Listed Company
Listed Company
  • Independent Director, Thaire Life Assurance PCL. Dec 1999 - present
  • Chairman of the Audit Committee, Chairman of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee Thaire Life Assurance PCL. Nov 2016 - present
  • Director of the Audit Committee, Thaire Life Assurance PCL. May 2014 - Nov 2016
  • Director of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee, Thaire Life Assurance PCL. Feb 2015 - Nov 2016
Non-Listed Company
  • Advisor to the National Science and Technology Development Agency 2000 - present